TinyDrum® by Spranger

"Tiny" & Silent

RAS farms keep getting bigger. One huge production wants to outdo the next until the production volumes become bigger than can be imagined. Spranger and Saga Aqua are think differently..

Sprangers Tinydrum drum filter is the smallest on the market yet has a large capacity and flexibility. It is extremely silent and effective with huge potential and a wide array of uses in production, research or the aquarium industry. German engineering and quality now available in Sweden exclusively from Saga Aqua. See specifications here.

Realize your dreams?

Saga Aqua works in close co-operation with Spranger Kunststoff in Germany. We have tailor-made fish farming systems that can help you realize your dreams and test your ideas in production, research or aquarium/demonstration or animal holding. 

RAS - Landbased fish farming from  Saga Aqua

Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) don't need to be gigantic. We believe in a larger number of smaller, more robust fish farms where we can keep a close eye on your individual animals.

However, the technology and quality of the system doesn't have to suffer just because the RAS isn't in the 10000 tons class. We build proven, quality systems from Spranger Kunststoff and offer complete systems designed to match your requirements. 

larval production / yngelproduktion

Self-Cleaning Larval Tanks

RAS filtersystem

Compact Filter System

Artemia production

Artemia Bioreactor

Mini RAS


RAS filtersystem

Compact Filter System

aquarium / akvarium

Aquarium Walls

drum filter / trummfilter

Drum Filter

denitrification / denitrifikationsfilter

Denitrifying Filter

fish tank / fisktank

Production Tanks

biofilter / nitrifikation


Research, Aquaria & Mini-RAS

We offer other products for use in research, for display stands in shops or events, mini-RAS, artemia and larval fish proiduction, etc. We can design and create the system for your needs or research ideas to answer the questions you need answered. Contact us for a free consultation and discussion.  

Contact us

We want to hear about your plans and ideas and find a solution to fit your needs.